  • 04 Apr 2024
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Article summary

We want to create a dynamic network of products interacting with each other, to co-create and exchange value for the members of the ecosystem. We want to empower our ecosystem to deliver meaningful and easy to use solutions that simplifies and digitises core business processes.

We believe we can empower people greatly through technology. But how technology empowers people depends on how it is being applied. This is where APIs come in. Our products and solutions become better when they connect to an ecosystem of great solutions.

Visma Developer Portal is an API-driven solution for professional services firms. It provides functionality for registering applications and managing integrations with Visma APIs and enabling Single Sign-On. Let’s create better technology together.

About Visma APIs

All Visma APIs available in this portal use OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization of requests. An application which wants to consume the API resources needs to obtain an Access Token from Visma Connect Authorization Server and then use that token for API requests.

Available APIs can be found under the  APIs  page. Each API has its own details page that provides additional information: Name, Base URL, Documentation, Permission type and Permissions (OAuth Scopes).

Permission Type

An API can define what type of applications it accepts integrations from regarding which of the OAuth 2.0 flows the application must use when obtaining an Access Token for the API. The following table shows an overview of permission types, the type of applications and grant types the application can use:

Application Permission

Client Types

Grant Type



All types

Any grant type

The API accepts Access Token obtained with or without user interaction.


web, spa


The API accepts only Access Token obtained with user's interaction in the authorization process.


web, service


The API accepts only Access Token obtained by using client_credentials grant type (no user interaction).

Tenant based APIs

Tenants are organizations (customers) which have data exposed by APIs. Tenant based Visma APIs are marked in Visma Developer Portal with symbol

If the API's Permission Type is Non-Interactive  your application needs to be granted permission by the tenant administrator in Visma App Store  before accessing API data. Once the permission is granted your application will use the tenant identifier ( tenant_id) as parameter on the token request and use the obtained   access token  to call the API. Read more on  Service Applications.

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