  • 15 Mar 2024
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Article summary

Visma Single Sign-On requires that you verify control of the email domains users will be signing in by adding a DNS TXT record to the domain’s DNS.

When a user attempts to log in with an email address that has not been verified by their organization, the authentication will be rejected and the user’s credentials will not be sent to the authentication proxy for verification.

  1. On the Domains tab click the Add domain button and type in the domain name that users from organization will use to log in.
    Example: if your email address is, type within the dialog that opens and click Next.

  2. A next step appears showing the domain name you have just added, along with additional information about the DNS TXT record that needs to be created. If you choose to verify through HTTPS, then go to step 5.

  3. Sign into your DNS provider and create a DNS TXT record for the domain you have just added (e.g. with the value and configuration specified in Authentication Settings.
    See below list of instructions on how to create DNS records in popular domain registrars:

  1. Once your DNS record has been created, Wait 5 minutes (TTL is set to 300s) until the DNS changes propagate. Then return to Visma Authentication Settings and click the Verify button within the wizard you have previously started. If the validation fails at first, wait another 1-2 minutes for the changes to fully propagate. If the verification still doesn't work after this, then you might have misconfigured something in the domain registrar. Delete the setup you have just made in your domain registrar and start again from step 2.

    Once the record has been verified, the Status column will change to Verified for that domain.

  2. If you choose to verify your domain through HTTPS, download the verification file from Visma Authentication Settings, then upload/deploy it to the root folder of your domain's website. Return to Visma Authentication Settings and click the Verify button within the wizard you have previously started.

  3. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for all domains that need to be verified.

  4. You may delete the DNS TXT record or static html file after Visma verifies your domain. Don't remove anything before your domain status shows up as Verified.

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.